Saturday 27 February 2010

Control your emotions and play better sport

If sports people learned how to control their emotions and channel them into positive behavour - they would have the upper hand nine times out of ten. They would win more games and stay on the field of play longer. It's big money - When a premiership footballer is red carded and misses the next couple of games it costs him and his club a small fortune. How many times do you see this happen? After all the training, practise and positive coaching they snap and end up with their head in their hands.
There is no way this needs to happen - If the're taught to use EFT

I help sports people to control their emotions and remain focused under pressure - I use EFT - relaxation and visualisation techniques.

It takes 7 seconds to tap with EFT - 7 seconds to stay on the pitch and remain in control. Why would anyone not want to do it? I have short cut techniques that people can use in front of their team mates - before taking a penalty - after being fouled - before and during a game.

It takes 7 seconds to remain calm - 7 seconds to focus - 7 seconds to win

To find out more please visit

Remember 7 seconds to tap and remain calm in any situation - Tap on everything I do
Bye for now and have a great weekend

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